The Arc of Bay County grew with astonishing speed this past year. While we have many accomplishments to share, You–only have hours to complete your end of the year giving.
Situations that people of all ages who have developmental and intellectual disabilities experienced this past year in our community required stealth advocacy, endurance, patience, and money to remedy.
We can’t put a price on the process of helping a person we serve achieve their true potential, secure services through the publicly-funded mental health system, or find a safe place to live. Your donation CAN help us make sure the people we serve have what they need, in their time of need, as we work to preserve their dignity.
The Arc of Bay County is making a difference. To keep the momentum going we need your support. Give today! Best wishes for 2025 and please share this request with others.
Annette Jeske, M.S.A.
Executive Director
The Arc of Bay County
Executive Director
The Arc of Bay County