Spring Bulletin – 2025

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Arc of Bay County Fall Bulletin

Join us for an Evening of Music & Art to Benefit The Arc of Bay County

Thursday, April 24, 2025 at the Historic State Theatre
Featuring Mike McMath’s “Empty Canvas”

Enjoy complimentary wine and piece of delicious dark chocolate.
Participate in the creation of a large format painting which will be raffled off to the highest bidder, or sit back and just enjoy the show.
Concessions, 50/50 drawings and silent auction.

Questions call (989) 893-1346. Tickets available at State Theatre Events

Planning YOUR Future

You are invited to participate in a series of workshops focused on planning for your own, or your family member’s future needs. Topics include housing, financial planning long-term care options and more.
Available at no cost to you, thanks to a grant from the Frank N. Andersen foundation.

Call The Arc of Bay County for more information, or to
register (989) 893-1346.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Watch for us in Bay City’s 70th annual St. Patrick’s Day parade Sunday, March 16, 2025

Educational Advocacy & Foster Educational Advocacy

Even before school started this fall, calls were coming in from families looking for help for their children. Sometimes the disabilities that impact a child’s ability to learn are obvious, or known to both school personnel and parent, but not always.
That’s where Jan comes in, not a day goes by that she’s not talking to a family, building relationships with the schools or troubleshooting.
This work is funded by grants from the Arc of Michigan and the Michigan Alliance for Families. If you know of a child struggling at school, give Jan a call at (989) 859-0173.

Membership Drive in full swing

’ll bet you thought we forgot about you? On the next page you’ll have an opportunity to renew your membership, invite others to join the Arc, or make dona on. If you’re looking for a satisfying way to make an immediate difference in someone’s life, we are here to help facilitate that.
The Arc of Bay County is a not for profit 501 c 3 tax deductible organization.

Rep Payee—By The Numbers

While the process of paying a person’s basic need bills seems simple, every person’s needs are unique. Our capacity to be er assist the people we serve and increase our capacity comes from cost saving measures and efficiencies that Karen Cramer has put into place in the business office. The old adage “me is money” has never been more accurate. It all takes me. Challenges arrive unannounced, and o en require creativity and patience as staff work to link or reconnect people to mental health supports, healthcare, or housing. It’s all in a day’s work for the Arc staff who have become proficient in the ins/outs of working with Social Security Administration, negotiating with utility companies, municipalities, and landlords as most of the people we serve live independently in the community, rather than an adult foster care or assisted living. There’s the hundreds of pages of government paperwork that are answered, scanned, and filed each week. We spend countless hours attempting to start or end television or cell phone service, pre-pay funerals, setup savings programs and more. The Arc of Bay County collects $55/month per person served on the Representative Payee program. Need continues please consider donating to the cause, or if you have a fundraising idea, let us know.

Advocate to Save Medicaid? What does that mean?

Medicaid, is public health insurance for people in poverty, children whose parents don’t have the income to buy private insurance, or who don’t have employer sponsored health insurance, and also coverage for home and community-based supports for people with disabilities, and older adults. In Michigan, 40% of children have Medicaid. Anyone who receives services from a community mental health provider, CMH or in our community Bay-Arenac Behavioral Health are paid by Medicaid. Funding of Medicaid is disproportionately provided by the federal government supplemented by state funds. This safety net is critical to the well being of Michiganders. Learn more about the importance of Medicaid by visiting the Arc US and Arc Michigan websites. Let your lawmakers know that this program is important to you, or your family.

Thank you for supporting The Arc of Bay County as we work together to build a thriving community for all. For more information, reach out at (989) 893-1346.

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