The Michigan House and Senate Health and Human Services budgets were released late April, and neither includes wage increases for direct care workers (DCWs) in FY 2025. We all know DCWs are the backbone of the behavioral health system and deserve wages that reflect their skilled work and value!
We need your help to let Michigan leaders know DCWs can’t be ignored!
We still have through May and June to make our voices heard before next year’s budget is officially final! The only way to stabilize this workforce is to increase their earnings out of poverty wages. Here’s how you can help:
Share this email campaign with your members to let lawmakers know DCWs deserve a $4/hour wage increase in the FY 2025 budget: Direct Care Workers Can’t Be Ignored! (
Use the attached social media toolkit to share posts and short videos about your experience and the need for #More4DCWs !
Attend your lawmaker’s next coffee hour in May or June to let them know DCWs can’t be ignored in this next budget! Bring a group with you and share this video with them:
Please help us and act now! For more information, visit our website here:
Our sincerest thanks,
The Direct Care Worker Wage Coalition