The Arc of Bay County – 2023 Annual Report

Thank you for your continued support of our programs and advocacy!

They say time flies when you’re having fun, and while it wasn’t all fun, we did have our share this past year which ended June 30, 2024. Your Arc staff and volunteers met the day-to-day requests of the people we serve, embraced impossible challenges with creative solutions, and advocated for the rights of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (DD/IDD) families, friends, and the direct care workers who support them.

Our scope of work has increased dramatically, as we’ve gotten to know the people we serve, and they have brought their challenges to the Arc. Many human service organizations have shifted the burden of providing help for people with mental illness, or intellectual/developmental disabilities to the person in need. We often hear “They have to want the help” which is interesting since Michigan’s constitution provides that services for, and the public health of, people with disabilities will “always be fostered and supported.” If you’ve ever been seriously ill or had an accident, you know in your time of need, you might not have known what kind of help to ask for, or be able to make the call. Imagine the difficulties people with DD/IDD face as they are expected to remember appointments, find ways to get to appointments, know the right words to say, complete paperwork that sometimes comes after the due date, and may ask for redundant information. Technology is amazing, but it’s often a barrier to receiving services as providers and therapists work via cell phone, e-mail, telehealth, or require electronic signatures. It makes receiving the most basic of supports impossible.

The Arc of Bay County is one of 28 chapters in Michigan. All are working to create more inclusive and independent lives for people with disabilities through training and support, as well as public policy and systems advocacy. Stay strong and join us as you can to advocate for what is right and what is needed!

2023 Annual Report & Summer Bulletin

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